Logi­stics and cus­toms solutions


Your pro­duct at the right place to the right time

We deve­lop indi­vi­dual logi­stics and cus­toms solu­ti­ons for you – for one-off pro­jects as well as for exten­sive pro­ject roll­outs. Distance is not a mat­ter of con­cern as we are able to ship natio­nal and international.

Our logi­stic solutions

We offer you fast, safe and com­pli­ant logi­stics solu­ti­ons by air freight, sea freight or land trans­port – par­cel, gene­ral cargo, full or part load, whe­ther natio­nal, Europe-wide or international.

Our effi­ci­ent solu­ti­ons for trans­port pro­ces­sing tog­e­ther with exten­sive on-site ship­ping equip­ment offer a com­plete range of ser­vices in the field of logi­stics for all pro­ject requirements.


Land Trans­port

We offer area-wide ser­vices from par­cels to full loads (FTL):

Express deli­veries: the fas­test solu­tion for time-sen­si­tive ship­ments. Deli­very takes place within the shor­test pos­si­ble time

Fix day deli­veries: the indi­vi­dual solu­tion for time-bound ship­ments – the deli­very takes place on the agreed desi­red date of the customer

Stan­dard deli­veries: the basic solu­tion for ship­ments with fle­xi­ble deli­very times – deli­very within the respec­tive stan­dard deli­very times


Air Freight

In the area of air freight, we use dyna­mic and fle­xi­ble rou­ting of the air­craft from our logi­stics part­ners in order to always ensure the fas­test pos­si­ble tran­sit time. The goods arrive safely and on time at a destination.


Sea Freight

Our pro­ject trans­ports are car­ried out world­wide by sea freight in an envi­ron­men­tally fri­endly and cost-effec­tive man­ner – a glo­bal net­work ensu­res various sea freight solutions:

  • FCL (Full Con­tai­ner Load)
  • LCL (Less-than-Con­tai­ner-Load – less than con­tai­ner load)

Our cus­toms solutions


Cus­toms regu­la­ti­ons in sight

Cus­toms cle­arance is cri­ti­cal to your inter­na­tio­nal busi­ness. In order to bring your pro­ducts smoothly across the cus­toms bor­ders of the respec­tive desti­na­tion count­ries, our expe­ri­en­ced export team keeps a close eye on the cus­toms regu­la­ti­ons for the coun­try of ori­gin and destination.


Smooth trans­port thanks to cor­rect and com­plete documents

We ensure the cor­rect pre­pa­ra­tion of the neces­sary cus­toms docu­ments for a smooth ship­ment process.


Effi­ci­ent cus­toms cle­arance using a cer­ti­fied soft­ware solution

We only use cus­toms-cer­ti­fied soft­ware solu­ti­ons for our export decla­ra­ti­ons, which ensu­res fast and secure handling.


Our cus­toms per­mits for cus­toms simplifications

AEO C – Approval
Per­mis­sion to sub­mit sim­pli­fied cus­toms declarations
Aut­ho­riza­tion Appro­ved Exporter


Aut­ho­riza­tion Appro­ved Exporter

  • Cus­toms pri­vi­le­ges for our cus­to­mers in the desti­na­tion country
  • Cus­toms-inde­pen­dent proof of pre­fe­rence and proof of ori­gin regard­less of the value of the goods
  • Time savings due to the eli­mi­na­tion of the invol­vement of the inland cus­toms office in our export shipments

Per­mis­sion to sub­mit sim­pli­fied cus­toms declarations

  • almost no wai­ting time for cus­toms decla­ra­ti­ons – the goods can be ship­ped imme­dia­tely after release
  • Repre­sen­ting our EU-based cus­to­mers directly at cus­toms and assis­ting with cus­toms matters

AEO sta­tus brings you advantages

  • Maas+Roos Signage is clas­si­fied as relia­ble and trust­wor­thy by customs
  • sim­pli­fied docu­ment checks for cus­toms clearance
  • fewer cus­toms inspections
  • sim­pli­fied cus­toms declarations
  • Export pro­ces­sing with AEO sta­tus is fast and flexible

Export con­trol has the most important importance in the pro­ces­sing of export transactions

We sup­port our cus­to­mers with export control

We use a soft­ware-based sanc­tions check for export con­trol compliance

We are regis­tered with BAFA for export control