Fully recy­clable
and sustainable

GREEN­FLEX s a brand new illu­mi­na­ted sign sys­tem. Deve­lo­ped with sus­taina­bi­lity in mind it is the first pro­duct of its kind and fits per­fectly within the Maas+Roos 360° sus­taina­bi­lity framework.

Made from up to 80% rene­wa­ble mate­rial the sign can be dis­as­sem­bled into indi­vi­dual com­pon­ents and recy­cled at the end of its life cycle!

Com­pa­ri­son calculation

How much Co2 does GREEN­FLEX save
com­pared to typi­cal solid acrylic letters?


Voll Recy­cel­bar
und nach­hal­tig

GREEN­FLEX ist ein völ­lig neues, illu­mi­nier­tes Buch­sta­ben­sys­tem.
Mit Blick auf Nach­hal­tig­keit ent­wi­ckelt, ist es das erste Pro­dukt die­ser Art und passt ideal zum Maas+Roos 360° Sus­taina­bi­lity Approach.

Die Buch­sta­ben bestehen bis zu 80% aus nach­wach­sen­den Roh­stof­fen und kön­nen in ein­zelne Kom­po­nen­ten zer­legt und am Ende des Lebens­zy­klus recy­celt werden!

Com­pa­ri­son calculation

How much Co2 does GREEN­FLEXsave
com­pared to typi­cal solid acrylic letters?

GREEN­FLEX is the first fully recy­clable illu­mi­na­ted sign system
on the mar­ket. If desi­red, the mini­mum acrylic con­tent requi­red can also
be pro­du­ced in a clo­sed pro­duct life cycle.

Illu­mi­na­ted wood letters

  • Up to 80% pro­du­ced from rene­wa­ble raw materials
  • The woo­den mate­rial used is made from alre­ady recy­cled wood
  • Acrylic used can optio­nally be desi­gned with a clo­sed pro­duct life cycle

Illu­mi­na­ted wood letters

  • Up to 80% pro­du­ced from rene­wa­ble raw materials
  • The woo­den mate­rial used is made from alre­ady recy­cled wood
  • Acrylic used can optio­nally be desi­gned with a clo­sed pro­duct life cycle

Con­vin­cing facts
at a glance

The entire approach of GREEN­FLEX is desi­gned for maxi­mum pro­tec­tion of the envi­ron­ment and sus­tainable production!

Raw mate­ri­als-CO2
savings of up to 67%*

GREEN­FLEX is pro­du­ced from alre­ady recy­cled wood. The total wood con­tent is as much as 80% depen­ding on design and light­ing style.

Optio­nally the little acrylic used can also be taken from recy­cled sources.

*Bei­spiel: Front­leuch­ter im Ver­gleich zu Vollacrylbuchstaben

Easy to handle.
Inex­pen­sive to ship

GREEN­FLEX weighs up to 50%* less than a typi­cal solid acrylic letters.

The light weight makes the pro­duct easy to handle. It can be also be packa­ged ligh­ter which results in lower ship­ping cost.

*Bei­spiel: *Exam­ple: front lit com­pared to full acrylic letters.

Fully recy­clable

GREEN­FLEX is neither cast, potted
or sea­led with resin-like com­pounds. It can be dis­as­sem­bled into indi­vi­dual com­pon­ents and recy­cled at the end of its life cycle. 


For inte­rior appli­ca­ti­ons GREEN­FLEX is just as dura­ble as let­ters made out of acrylic.


Sus­taina­bi­lity has always been a high prio­rity at MAAS+ROOS and it is part of our cor­po­rate cul­ture. We see it as our entre­pre­neu­rial duty to pro­tect our resour­ces and the environment.

We do not pri­ma­rily focus on the tra­ding of emis­si­ons. Ins­tead, we lower our emis­si­ons and use of raw mate­ri­als in pro­duc­tion and logistics.

We com­plete this approach by recy­cling ever­y­thing from alu­mi­nium and steel to pack­a­ging mate­ri­als like card­board and pla­s­tic wrapping.


State-of-the-art pro­duc­tion facilities.

Sol­vent free pow­ders and water­ba­sed paints.

Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion: ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.


Co2 savings through pro­duc­tion clo­ser to the cus­to­mer – in Ger­many, Dubai and India.

CO2 savings through opti­mi­zed logi­stics rou­tes and group transports.

Reduc­tion of pack­a­ging mate­ri­als through deli­very to many mar­kets with own means of transport.


We sepa­rate over 25 mate­ri­als and return them into the circulation.

Fine-par­ticle dust extra­c­tion throug­hout entire pro­duc­tion area.

ISO 14001 cer­ti­fi­ca­tion under­lines a com­pre­hen­sive envi­ron­men­tal policy.

Sus­tainable. Fle­xi­ble. Innovative.


Tuneable white illuminated

ecu­red using vinyl. This allows for easy sepa­ra­tion on site

Click-light for easy installation

Can be com­ple­tely dismantled
and separated

Color adjus­t­ment via Smartphone:
3.000–6.500 Kel­vin


White illu­mi­na­ted

Secu­red using vinyl.
This allows for easy sepa­ra­tion on site

Click-light for easy installation

Can be com­ple­tely dis­mant­led and separated


White illu­mi­na­ted

Directly glued for extre­mely smooth sur­faces and edges

Click-light for easy installation


White illu­mi­na­ted

Directly glued for extre­mely smooth sur­faces and edges

Click-light for easy installation

Back and par­ti­ally side lit

White illu­mi­na­ted

White illu­mi­na­ted

Click-light for easy installation

Sus­tainable. Fle­xi­ble. Innovative.


Tuneable white illuminated

Secu­red using vinyl. This allows for easy sepa­ra­tion on site

Click-light for easy installation

Can be com­ple­tely dismantled
and separated

Color adjus­t­ment via Smartphone:
3.000–6.500 Kel­vin


White illu­mi­na­ted

Secu­red using vinyl.
This allows for easy sepa­ra­tion on site

Click-light for easy installation

Can be com­ple­tely dis­mant­led and separated


White illuminated/span>

Directly glued for extre­mely smooth sur­faces and edges

Click-light for easy installation


White illu­mi­na­ted

Directly glued for extre­mely smooth sur­faces and edges

Click-light for easy installation

Back and
par­ti­ally side lit

White illu­mi­na­ted

Directly glued for extre­mely smooth sur­faces and edges

Click-light for easy installation

Twitter-Bird- Signage

Do you have any questions?

Would you like to inquire about your pro­ject wit­hout any obli­ga­tion? Per­so­nally, by phone or by e‑mail?

We are very plea­sed with your inte­rest in our pro­ducts and services.