Part­ner of pro­fes­sio­nal signage companies

First-class signage and ser­vices for your success!

Our signage sets you into the lime­light – we deve­lope, manu­fac­ture and sup­ply sta­tic and digi­tal signage sys­tems. Inter­na­tio­nal cli­ents trust us with their pro­jects around the globe and rely on our more than 60 years of exper­tise and experience.

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LPFLEX Light Emit­ting Design

The ori­gi­nal – pre­mium solid acrylic let­ters to create the hig­hest pos­si­ble attention

Our solid acrylic let­ters of the LPFLEX pro­duct family offer the best pos­si­ble illu­mi­na­tion in even the smal­lest space via signle LED assign­ment – LPFLEX is ver­sa­tile and offers pro­ject-spe­ci­fic solu­ti­ons. In addi­tion to LPFLEX, we also offer effi­ci­ent SMD-stripe vari­ants in a sepa­rate pro­duct line.

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Twitter-Bird- Signage
Cross icon-logo Maas+Roos

LPFLEX Light Emit­ting Design

The ori­gi­nal – pre­mium solid acrylic let­ters to create the hig­hest pos­si­ble attention

Our solid acrylic let­ters of the LPFLEX pro­duct family offer the best pos­si­ble illu­mi­na­tion in even the smal­lest space via signle LED assign­ment – LPFLEX is ver­sa­tile and offers pro­ject-spe­ci­fic solu­ti­ons. In addi­tion to LPFLEX, we also offer effi­ci­ent SMD-stripe vari­ants in a sepa­rate pro­duct line.

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MR Clas­sic

Clas­sic signage systems-
fle­xi­ble and pre­mium quality

MR Clas­sic offers a wide range of clas­sic signage sys­tems: pylons, flex­face boxes, facade and roof­top sign sys­tems, illu­mi­na­ted ban­ners and other cus­tom solutions.

Twitter-Bird- Signage

Kreuz Icon-Logo Maas+Roos

MR Clas­sic

Clas­sic signage systems-
fle­xi­ble and pre­mium quality

MR Clas­sic offers a wide range of clas­sic signage sys­tems: pylons, flex­face boxes, facade and roof­top sign sys­tems, illu­mi­na­ted ban­ners and other cus­tom solutions.

Logi­stics and cus­toms solutions

Your pro­duct at the right place to the right time

We deve­lop indi­vi­dual logi­stics and cus­toms solu­ti­ons for you – for one-off pro­jects as well as for exten­sive pro­ject roll­outs. Distance is not a mat­ter of con­cern as we are able to ship natio­nal and international.

Twitter-Bird- Signage
Twitter-Bird- Signage

Kreuz Icon-Logo Maas+Roos

Logi­stics and cus­toms solutions

Your pro­duct at the right place to the right time

We deve­lop indi­vi­dual logi­stics and cus­toms solu­ti­ons for you – for one-off pro­jects as well as for exten­sive pro­ject roll­outs. Distance is not a mat­ter of con­cern as we are able to ship natio­nal and international.

Twitter-Bird- Signage


We will be happy to pro­vide you with com­pre­hen­sive advice on the sub­ject of illu­mi­na­ted signage and the ideal solu­tion for your spe­ci­fic project.

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Design- imple­men­ta­tion

We adapt your 2D designs into the con­gru­ent 3D repre­sen­ta­tion for the opti­mal imple­men­ta­tion of your illu­mi­na­ted adver­ti­sing system.

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Design and development

We use the most modern methods and soft­ware for our design and deve­lo­p­ment and cal­cu­late the neces­sary sta­tics..

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Pro­ject Management

Highly expe­ri­en­ced pro­ject mana­gers take care of your pro­jects – we imple­ment your jointly defi­ned pro­ject goals effi­ci­ently and reliably.

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In the on-site appoint­ment our part­ners cla­rify all pos­si­bi­li­ties and we visua­lize the later result of your illu­mi­na­ted signage system.

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With our world­wide part­ner net­work we ensure a smooth and flaw­less installation.

About us

MAAS+ROOS SIGNAGE is an inter­na­tio­nally ope­ra­ting manu­fac­tu­rer of sta­tic-ana­log and digi­tal signage systems.

Since our foun­da­tion in 1959, we stand out due to the high pre­mium qua­lity pro­ducts and inno­va­tive solu­ti­ons – from one-off pro­ducts to exten­sive series pro­ducts rol­led out worldwide.

At our loca­tion in Hilpoltstein/Bavaria, we offer out­stan­ding ser­vice by pro­du­cing excel­lent signage sys­tems on a pro­duc­tion area of over 15,000 sqm in one of the most modern pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties in Europe. Our world­wide part­ner net­work ensu­res logi­stics and instal­la­tion at any loca­tion worldwide.

Our glo­bal part­ner net­work ensu­res the suc­cess of your pro­ject – both natio­nally and internationally.

Illustrative presentation of the Maasroos network
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Do you have any questions?

Would you like to inquire about your pro­ject wit­hout any obli­ga­tion? Per­so­nally, by phone or by e‑mail?

We are very plea­sed with your inte­rest in our pro­ducts and services.